Whenchattingwithbeautifulwomen,manypeoplefeelthat Continue readingHow to find topics to chat with beautiful women
Tao Baibai said that Sagittarius is not suitable for dating- What do you think-
IthinkeveryoneshouldknowTaoBaibai Sheisverypopula Continue readingTao Baibai said that Sagittarius is not suitable for dating- What do you think-
What should we say when we call a girl for the first time-
Whatshouldwesaywhenwecallagirlforthefirsttime?Thi Continue readingWhat should we say when we call a girl for the first time-
How ambiguous is it when a boy and a girl chat-
Chattingbetweenboysandgirlscansometimesfeelambigu Continue readingHow ambiguous is it when a boy and a girl chat-
Why can’t you confess your feelings too early when you’re chasing a girl-
Manypeopleliketoconfesstheirlovetogirls,butitreal Continue readingWhy can’t you confess your feelings too early when you’re chasing a girl-