Inthemoderneraofsocialmediaandonlinecommunication Continue readingJudge the performance of the scumbag from the chat
Classic reply when a girl says I miss you, learn to flirt back strongly
Agirlexpressesherfeelingstoaboy,andtheboy sreplyi Continue readingClassic reply when a girl says I miss you, learn to flirt back strongly
Topics to make your girlfriend happy, she will be happy if you chat like this
Manyboysdon’tunderstandthattheyobviouslywanttocha Continue readingTopics to make your girlfriend happy, she will be happy if you chat like this
How to chat and flirt with girls- Four steps to make a girl your girlfriend
Afteryousuccessfullystrikeupaconversationwithagir Continue readingHow to chat and flirt with girls- Four steps to make a girl your girlfriend
The first line of a high-EQ conversation starter in a morning chat
Goodmorning!It sapleasuretostartthedaywithyou Toda Continue readingThe first line of a high-EQ conversation starter in a morning chat