Ifchattingwithgirlsisalwaysaboutordinarytopics,it Continue readingHow to control the topic when chatting with girls-
A short confession every day, a different way of saying love every day
Ifyourchatswithgirlseverydayaredull,ifyoufeelthat Continue readingA short confession every day, a different way of saying love every day
What does it mean when a girl says emmmmm- Teach you how to reply with humor
Indailylife,weoftenheargirlssay "emmmm ",sowhatdoest Continue readingWhat does it mean when a girl says emmmmm- Teach you how to reply with humor
Does a girl reject you when she calls you brother- Is there still hope-
Generallyspeaking,thosewhocalltheoppositesexbroth Continue readingDoes a girl reject you when she calls you brother- Is there still hope-
It takes a long time for a girl to reply to your messages, why-
Ittakesalongtimeforgirlstoreplytoyourmessages Thi Continue readingIt takes a long time for a girl to reply to your messages, why-